Our Issues

Transportation Alternatives is fighting to give New Yorkers a variety of safe and convenient ways to get around. Biking, walking, and riding the bus should be as safe, accessible, and efficient as driving a car or taking the train. When our streets work for every type of transportation, New Yorkers have the freedom to choose how they get around. And when our government can effectively plan, build, and manage our streets, New Yorkers’ lives get better. 

We believe that the greatest city in the world should have the greatest streets in the world.

Here is our seven-point plan to give you more safe, accessible, and efficient transportation choices:

  • Reclaim Streets as Public Space 

  • Create Safe Intersections

  • Build a High-Quality Bike Network for All Ages & Abilities

  • Make Bus Service Frequent & Reliable 

  • Make E-Bikes and Bike Share Safe & Accessible

  • Fight Highway Expansions and Transform Existing Highways

  • Regulate Vehicle Use and Safety

New Yorkers have places to go and want the freedom to choose how to get where they’re going. Whether we are biking to the coffee shop, taking the bus to work, walking to lunch, or taking a taxi home at night, we want to choose the mode of transportation that makes the most sense for that trip.

Too often, however, our choices are limited – the bus is slow, the crosswalk is dangerous, the bike lane doesn’t exist, and the taxi is stuck in traffic – because more than 75% of our street space is used for moving and storing cars, even though most New Yorkers don’t own one. 

Our streets simply do not prioritize the majority of New Yorkers. As a result, our streets do not work for anyone, whether we’re driving, walking, biking, or waiting for the bus.

It does not have to be this way. By prioritizing the most efficient modes of transportation — whether that is a bike lane that can move thousands of people every hour or a bus that can transport 50 people in the same space as two cars — our streets can serve every New Yorker. 

Choose an issue below to learn how Transportation Alternatives is fighting to make streets work for everyone – and to give every New Yorker access to safe, efficient, and affordable transportation.