Gov. Hochul indefinitely delayed congestion pricing. Delaying congestion pricing is a slap in the face to the millions of New Yorkers who rely on public transportation every day just to appease the program’s loudest foes.

Stalling congestion pricing will hurt New York and New Yorkers. The program must start on June 30.

Please take a few minutes today and tell Governor Hochul: Don't stall congestion pricing. We'll provide a script for you to use.

Upcoming Action

Join TA and Riders Alliance ahead of the upcoming MTA board meeting.

We will rally outside MTA HQ before heading inside to speak in support of congestion pricing and encourage the MTA Board to use whatever power they have to ensure that congestion pricing starts on June 30 as planned.

At this month’s meeting MTA board members will discuss plans to scale back and scrap essential capital projects including signal modernization and implementing accessible stations. We must make our voice heard about why this is such as disaster for New York — and why we need congestion pricing now!

More Actions to Take

  1. Call your state lawmakers and thank them for rejecting Gov. Hochul’s unserious proposals that would have killed congestion pricing.

  2. Call your congressional reps – plus Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Rep. Jeffreies — and tell them to publicly support congestion pricing.

Click to find your reps’ phone numbers!

Then, do this:

  1. Email the MTA board and tell them congestion pricing must turn on on June 30th.

Click here to send an email!

It will take all of us working together to save congestion pricing.

Please share this page with a friend or family member and invite them to take action alongside you!

Congestion Pricing Means
Streets for People.

When it goes into effect on June 30, congestion pricing will transform New York City overnight.

There will be hundreds of thousands fewer cars and trucks driving through our neighborhoods and into the Manhattan tolling zone.

This means more space for people to move around car-free, faster commute times for bus and bike riders, and cleaner air for everyone, inside and outside of the tolling zone. 

With extremely limited time before the launch of congestion pricing, Transportation Alternatives recommends enacting the following measures, which can easily be implemented before June 30, to guarantee all New Yorkers experience the benefits of congestion pricing.

Mayor Adams and the DOT should:

  1. Expedite all planned projects to protect environmental justice communities, mitigating any adverse impacts.

  2. Convert all bus lanes to 24/7 operation and paint all bus lanes red, increasing bus speeds citywide.

  3. Reduce the speed limit on all applicable streets to 20 mph and re-time signals on all arterial streets to 20 mph citywide, making streets safer for everyone.

Governor Hochul and the MTA should:

  1.  Convert one to two car lanes on all MTA bridges into exclusive bus lanes, as well as protected biking and walking lanes where needed, to ensure everyone can use our bridges safely and efficiently.

  2. Enact all-door boarding on all MTA buses, increasing the efficiency of bus trips.

  3. Roll out free fares for all students and expand the Fair Fares program to support caregiver commutes and working parents, giving more New Yorkers an affordable route to where they need to go.

The New York City Council should create and pass a bill package which prepares New York City’s streets for congestion pricing. Individual bills could include the following:

  • A bill mandating pop-up bus lanes during subway closures to ease the interruption to commutes; 

  • A bill extending the pedestrian plaza requirements in the NYC Streets Plan; 

  • A bill that develops and prioritizes secure bike parking; 

  • A bill that creates a "Parking Benefit Cash-Out Program” to incentivize commuters to walk, bike, and take transit.

What we’ve said: