Stay informed about pressing issues facing NYC streets! Read our weekly roundup of citywide news and learn more about our upcoming rallies, protests, conferences, meetups, and community gatherings.
Recent Newsletters
Act Now to Protect New York City's Red-Light Camera Program
Red light cameras are critical for preventing crashes from running lights, but New York City’s successful red light camera program will expire this year. Without immediate legislative action, we risk losing this vital safety measure.
Setting up Congestion Pricing for Success
Congestion pricing will transform our streets. To ensure everyone benefits, our city’s leaders must act now to provide New Yorkers with more options to get around.
Celebrate Bike Month with Transportation Alternatives
Plus, tell Gov. Hochul to get congestion pricing right.
Celebrating a Milestone: MTA Approves Congestion Pricing
Join us in learning more about how congestion pricing can improve your daily life. Sign our petition and make your voice heard to our elected leaders, ensuring that NYC is prepared to implement congestion pricing effectively and successfully.
Your support will help make Sammy's Law a reality
Rally with us at 10 a.m., Friday, March 15, on the Upper West Side to demand that our legislators include Sammy's Law in the 2024 legislative budget.
You Deserve a Reliable Transit System
Right now, the MTA is accepting public comments before it adopts a final plan. Hundreds of TA supporters have already submitted a comment in support — can you take two minutes and tell the MTA you support congestion pricing?
Spatial Equity 2.0 and an update on the NYC Streets Plan
Spatial Equity NYC highlights how public space is used — or disused. This week, we launched the newest version Spatial Equity NYC in partnership with MIT. Spatial Equity NYC now has 24 data layers, including six new ones, and the ability to rank State Assembly and State Senate districts for the first time.
Regulating Delivery Apps and Congestion Pricing Now!
It's simple: Same-day delivery companies should pay for the privilege of operating a business in New York City, and operate by a standard that does not harm its workers, any other New Yorker, or the city at large.
Five Lessons from Vision Zero and our new Citi Bike campaign
A decade ago, New York City launched the first Vision Zero program in the country. Vision Zero has undoubtedly saved hundreds of lives – but there’s still much more to be done to finally reach zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries in the five boroughs.
After analyzing ten years of data, we identified the trends that help explain both the successes and shortcomings of Vision Zero.