Bicycle Rider in Critical Condition After Being Hit by Waste Hauler, City Must Pass Landmark Legislation to Bring Safety to Dangerous Industry

Statement from Transportation Alternatives Senior Director of Advocacy Thomas DeVito:

"At roughly 9:30 on Sunday night, a 62-year-old man riding an e-bike was hit and critically injured by a commercial waste hauling vehicle on the corner of 12th Street and 3rd Avenue in Brooklyn. Transportation Alternatives and Families for Safe Streets are hoping for the quick and full recovery of the injured cyclist. 

At least 21 cyclists have been killed on the streets of New York City to date in 2019, more than double the total killed in all of 2018.

This crash demonstrates the ongoing danger posed to pedestrians and bicyclists by large commercial vehicles, specifically waste hauling trucks. Since 2014, more than 50 New Yorkers have been killed by private waste hauling vehicles, with hundreds more injured.

The City Council must pass Intro 1574, landmark legislation sponsored by Councilmember Antonio Reynoso, which would limit private waste collection within specific geographic areas to one company. At present, the streets of New York City are a battleground for huge and dangerous vehicles operated by dozens of different companies, creating danger and congestion on our streets. 

This commonsense change would eliminate 60,000 vehicle miles traveled by the most dangerous vehicles every day, saving lives and improving the quality of life of New Yorkers immeasurably. Other cities that have implemented this type of system, like Los Angeles and Seattle, see one-third as many crashes involving commercial waste haulers.  

We call on the City Council and Mayor de Blasio to support and pass Intro 1574 right away, before another New Yorker is seriously injured or killed."


Statement: New Yorkers Must Be Kept Safe on Our Streets and Sidewalks


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