Statement on City Council Passage of Intro 2224A, Shifting Crash Investigations from NYPD to NYC DOT

From Marco Conner DiAquoi, Deputy Director of Transportation Alternatives:

“This bill is a watershed moment, not just in New York, but in cities across the country looking to reimagine how police are involved in traffic enforcement. We could not have gotten here without our partners in government, especially bill-sponsor Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, and the Families for Safe Streets members who shared their powerful personal stories to shape this legislation."

"As we've long stated, the NYPD has failed to sufficiently investigate crashes, has retraumatized survivors by victim-blaming, and has communicated false, pro-driver narratives to the press. This legislation will significantly improve how we approach crash investigations, how crashes are communicated to the media, how we better bring justice to survivors, and we applaud the council for passing this legislation today."



Statement On Congestion Pricing Advancing Through The Federal Approval Process


Open Letter to Mayor de Blasio from the Open Streets Coalition