Statement: Transportation Alternatives and Families For Safe Streets Mourn the Loss of NYS Senator Jose Peralta

Transportation Alternatives and Families for Safe Streets have gotten to know Senator Peralta well in recent years. Whether through trips to Albany, visits to his district office, or numerous events with students and victims of traffic violence, Senator Peralta’s leadership on safe streets was well established.

In 2016, Senator Peralta became the primary Senate sponsor for the EverySchool speed safety camera bill, and over  three legislative sessions he advocated passionately for the renewal and expansion of New York City’s speed camera program. His resolve and passion were strong and self-evident -- whether he rallying with advocates in his district or holding a press conference in Albany -- Senator Peralta was a fighter. 

In the 2018 state legislative session it was Senator Peralta’s efforts which, in the end, secured the unified support for a speed camera expansion bill by the Senate Democratic conference.  

As Senate Republicans held the life-saving speed safety camera program hostage over the summer, Senator Peralta didn’t give up, and his continued fight helped ensure the issue stayed in the spotlight. His perseverance, side by side with Families for Safe Streets, ensured the program was back up and running before school started this fall. 

Senator Peralta was a tireless public servant who cared deeply about his community. He leaves a legacy of safer streets to which all New Yorkers are indebted. Transportation Alternatives and Families for Safe Streets offers its sincere condolences to his wife, Evelyn, and his sons, Matthew and Myles.


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