Transportation Alternatives’ Statement on Inclusion of E-Bike/E-Scooter Legalization in the 2020/21 New York State Budget

Statement of Transportation Alternatives Deputy Director Marco Conner DiAquoi on the adoption of a state budget which includes the legalization of e-bikes and e-scooters in New York State:

“Transportation Alternatives applauds Governor Cuomo and the state legislature for including the legalization of e-bikes and e-scooters in the state budget. 

E-bikes are a safe, sustainable mode of transport which have been in the spotlight in recent weeks as the delivery workers who commonly rely on them have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent years, those workers have been targeted for using e-bikes, have collectively been fined more than $1 million, and have had their e-bikes confiscated. 

E-bike legalization in the state budget will put an end to this unfounded and inequitable enforcement, and will allow these frontline working cyclists to continue their work under safer conditions.

This budget provides a long overdue legal framework for e-bikes in New York, while allowing New York City to regulate their use further to meet local needs.

We thank Governor Cuomo and the legislative leadership, as well as State Senator Jessica Ramos and Assembly Member Nily Rozic who have been leaders on this issue, for finally delivering justice for working cyclists and creating greater opportunity for more New Yorkers.”


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