Families for Safe Streets Responds to Senate Leader Flanagan Passing the Buck on NYC Speed Camera Program

On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan wrote an op-ed in the New York Daily News in which he appears determined to blame anyone but Senate Republicans for the expiration of New York City's proven speed safety camera program. 

Statement in response from Amy Cohen, founding member of Families for Safe Streets:

"Senate Leader John Flanagan seems to have forgotten who controls the New York State Senate. The bill before his chamber has the support of 77 percent of New Yorkers and 34 Senate co-sponsors, including three Republicans. Senator Flanagan could have passed the bill to renew and expand New York City's speed camera program, but he chose not to bring it to a vote. Now he finds himself backed into a corner, spouting off an embarrassing litany of excuses, desperate to distance himself from his decision which has resulted in the dismantling of a life-saving public safety program. Senator Flanagan played politics with the lives of children, and it backfired. Children are going to die because of the choices made by Senator Flanagan, and the blood will be on his hands." 


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