Statement: If Senate Republicans Want to Protect Children's Lives, They Should Pass the Bill That Is Sitting in Front of Them

Statement of Transportation Alternatives Director of Advocacy Tom DeVito:

New York State Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan released a statement Friday which said "The Senate Republican Majority is willing to approve an extender of the existing New York City speed camera program. During that time, we can work to enact a more comprehensive safety plan with all of the stakeholders involved."

Statement in response from Transportation Alternatives Director of Advocacy Tom DeVito:

"The Assembly passed the bill to extend and expand New York City's speed safety camera program and delivered it to the Senate on June 21. On that day, the bill had 33 sponsors in the Senate -- more than enough support for the bill to pass. Senator Flanagan could have brought it to the Senate floor for a vote, but he chose not to. Saying he and Senate Republicans are willing to approve an extender is meaningless. If Senate Republicans want to protect children's lives, they should pass the bill that's sitting in front of them. They're already putting nearly 200,000 summer school students at risk, and that number is going to swell to more than a million when school starts on September 5. The clock is ticking."  


Families for Safe Streets Responds to Senate Leader Flanagan Passing the Buck on NYC Speed Camera Program


Senate Republicans Put NYC Children at Risk, Choose to End Life-Saving Speed Camera Program