Statement in Response to the Conviction of the Bus Driver who Killed Citi Bike Rider Dan Hanegby

Statement of Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Paul Steely White:

"Today's verdict reinforces the fact that driving a multi-ton motorized vehicle on New York City's crowded streets comes with a special responsibility. Dan Hanegby had the right of way, and the evidence made it clear that the driver's failure to yield caused this tragedy. With this conviction, a measure of justice has been served. Drivers are rarely held accountable for recklessly taking lives on New York City streets. All too often, police hastily exonerate drivers while erroneously blaming bicyclists and pedestrians for their own deaths. We implore Commissioner O'Neill to bring an end to this habit of victim blaming and urge him to ensure that officers wait to comment on traffic crashes until after thorough and professional investigations have been completed."


Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Paul Steely White to Step Down


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